Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eliot Spitzer, What Were You Thinking?

Okay, this is my last post ever about our now former Governor. Mr NYC does not enjoy wallowing in muck, particularly when so many people have been hurt and embarrassed by this sordid mess. However, I'm sure many of you, like me, are still wondering how this highly-educated, uber-smart son of privilege managed to wreck his career, his marriage, his reputation, his life.

This article in today's Times tries to figure the man out: Sifting the Wreckage for the Real Eliot Spitzer.

The Times' theory: Spitzer found that he hated being Governor, couldn't stand that he couldn't get his way all the time, was miserable that his popularity was falling, and almost wanted to torpedo himself.

My theory: guys like Eliot Spitzer think they're smarter than everyone else and can get away with anything. Also, they're thrill seekers, they get off on doing inappropriate stuff and not getting caught ... until they do.

But who knows? I could be wrong. We shall never know. Maybe even Eliot Spitzer won't ever know. And that's that.

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