Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite RIP

Probably the greatest television newsman who ever lived, Walter Cronkite passed away last night at the age of 92. Long called the most trusted man in America, he did what good reporters should do: he spoke truth to power. Whether it was telling LBJ in front of millions of America that the Vietnam war was a failure or exposing the crimes of Watergate just days before the 1972 election, Cronkite was never afraid of afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted.

But in his grandfatherly manner, he also comforted America at one of its darkest moments: November 22, 1963 when President Kennedy was killed. Despite his clear sadness, Walter Cronkite reassured America that, despite the tragedy, everything would be okay.

His strong, classy, professional demeanor, his ability to communicate effectively to millions, and his enormous credibility will greatly missed.

We probably will never see his likes again.

P.S. The Kennedy assassination reminds me that 10 years ago yesterday JFK Jr and his wife and sister-in-law perished in a plane crash. It feels just like yesterday.

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