In the early 1980s Lisa Cintrice blazed a short, memorable trail in the NYC adult movie business. She worked with Jamie Gillis, Bambi Woods, and other big stars of the time, partied and rocked'n'rolled in nightclubs and swinger clubs, and lived a fun, wild life -- before getting clean, getting out the business, and living a more healthy, normal life.
Lisa's gone on to have a great career as a CPA and great kids. And she was kind enough, in 2021, to give Mr NYC two interviews -- one about her life and career, another about her family's relationship with old school mob guys.
But that's the past. Lisa's living her best life in the present and looking towards the future. And she's still sexy! In fact, she has gotten back in front of the camera for the first time in over 40 years. Recently Lisa did a photoshoot with an erotic model/photographer named Cerise, and I'm honored that this legend of the NYC adult business is giving Mr NYC her first interview about her return to the camera -- and what might come next!
How did this photoshoot come about and what made you want to do it?
I did it for a couple of reasons. One being that I have been posting a lot of photos from my past, and I wanted more recent photos to post. I am proud of my body. As you know I work out a lot and I wanted to see if I can still be sexy and model at 62. As far as Cerise I saw her on X and found her unique and attractive and after speaking with her and getting to know her I found her to be a good fit for this shoot. I asked her if she was interested, she said yes and we set it all up to shoot in Texas.
What was the theme or idea for the photoshoot, what were you and the photographer hoping to achieve?
I honestly had no idea what we were going to shoot. I wanted it to be sexy sensual and relations. As we went through the process it was clear nudity was not required to achieve that goal. Next photoshoot might be different. I did get a good response from my fans. That does not mean I won't be more provocative later on.
What were some of the poses you did and kinds of pictures you took?
We did a variety of shots trying to convey sexuality and attraction with myself and Cerise and maybe a little mystery. We tried various poses and shared the best ones.
How did it feel doing this kind of adult work after so many years?
I was very nervous and anxious and excited also a little scared considering my age and how long it's been since I did a photo shoot. But once we started it came back pretty quick. Between the photographer and Cerise I was comfortable with it. But I will say it's definitely hard work.
Do you think you'll do this kind of thing again in the future?
I will absolutely do this again I am already thinking about the next shoot because of the positive response I got from my fans with this shoot. Who knows it might even be more salacious depending on the vibe.
Anything else you want to tell us about this photoshoot?
My time in the industry was short and I wanted fresh pics. I am also launching a website to promote my tax business and also my porn star wedding officiating by a porn star business. Of course I will sell autographed photos and have an interactive blog. So I plan on doing fresh shoots a few times a year. I want people to know what I look like now instead of only seeing pics of me at 18.
Thanks Lisa, all the best in the future! And Lisa was kind enough to send us some of the photos which you can see here: