Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chumley's R.I.P.

As the city evolves en route to 2030, some things will naturally be left behind. One of them is Chumley's, the old-speakeasy turned restaurant in the West Village. Located at 86 Bedford street, you had to know where the joint was in order to find it. It was tucked away in a non-descript building but once you found it, you were in a thriving hive of merriment. Pictures of writers from the past were prominently displayed (Scott and Zelda are supposed to have been regulars during the Harding administration). The seats were crowded together. The bar area has a door in the floor that opened up every so often. It was place of that fused past and present together -- and the food wasn't half bad either.

A couple of months ago a chimney collapse forced Chumley's to close. I've heard rumors in may reopen in late June but those are only rumors. Either way, it probably won't be the same place it was. It will be different. And a part of Old New York will have past forever.

PS. Did you know the expression "He/she was 86'd" originated at Chumley's? Makes sense to me!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, this was THE place to go after work when I started my job.

    Isn't it supposed to re-open this month?


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