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Saturday, May 10, 2008

So Long Vito

Short article in today's Times about Congressman Vito Fossella.

From a Bright Past to a Cloudy Future

As you probably know, last week he was busted in DC for a DWI (he wasn't just a little bit tipsy, apparently he was totally sloshed). He told the cops that he was on his way to see "his daughter" which confused everyone at first since his wife and kids live back on Staten Island. Whoops! The drunken tongue is so often the most honest one. Turns out this paragon of conservative Republican family values who screamed about what a louse Bill Clinton was has a mistress and illegitimate kid living in DC. Vito's so pro-family, he must have figured why have only one?

The papers on Staten Island are calling for him to resign. So are a lot of his constituents. Obviously he's gonna have a hell of a time surviving, let alone get re-elected. While it'd be great to see his seat go Democratic this year, I don't think politics should victimize families like this. I always feel sorriest for the innocent relatives and children in situations like this. Let's hope that they can heal and that Mr Fossella can carve out some kind of life for himself and his family in the future. My best to him and them.

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