Monday, November 10, 2008

Anthony Trollope @ Duane-Reade

In NYC, you see everything, and I mean everything. These things can be good, bad, naughty, nice, legal, illegal, whatever. And sometimes these things are just plain imaginative.

To whit: the new Duane Reade pharmacy in Manhattan on Grand Street and Broadway. Nothing special about that. But when you look through the huge glass windows, you see the following quote emblazoned on the wall, making all shoppers and passersby take notice:

"No other American city is so intensely American as New York. -- Anthony Trollope"

Naturally, I agree. But what amazes me is that in a Duane Reade of all the unspectacular places, you can actually find a quote by a nineteenth century English novelist thrown into your face. I don't know whose idea this was but it was brilliant and very, very classy. And it has an only in New York kinda feeling. It's cheezy but I like it all the same.

If you want to find out more about Anthony Trollope, you should visit the Trollope society website. His most famous novels are The Way We Live Now, the Palliser series, and The Small House at Allington. Many of these have been made into BBC miniseries and, interestingly enough, one of Trollope's biggest fans is failed Supreme Court nominee and archconservative intellect Robert Bork.

But since I think he lives in DC, I doubt he shops at Duane Reade.

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