Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Weed is Coming ... Maybe

In November I blogged about how recreational marijuana is probably going to be legalized in New Jersey sometime in 2018 -- and the brand-new governor has openly declared it's a priority for his agenda. 

Until now our supposedly "progressive" Democratic governor, Andrew Cuomo, was against legal weed (calling it a "gateway" drug and all that crap) but now says he wants to "study" possibly legalizing it sometime in the future. Heading into a reelection this year, he doesn't want to be seen as either for or against it -- he wants to be sorta for it, sorta against it, we'll see, maybe, let's just get all the facts first, not going to say either way -- until after he's reelected. 

Call it the Curse of Cuomo. He won't take a position on an issue until it's either super-popular or he won't face any political repercussions for it. He dithers. He prevaricates. And lies.

Want to find out if legal weed is a good idea? Easy. Just call the governor of Colorado -- where weed has been legal for five years! -- and ask him how it's working out. That'll save a lot of time and money on a "study." In fact, Cuomo doesn't even have to call him because the answer is obvious -- yes, it's working! It's popular! It's making lots of money for the state! It's driving down crime! There's your answer! Study over. 

But Cuomo wants to punt the issue. And he's exactly what's wrong with lots of Democratic politicians like him today -- he doesn't want to take a hard stand on an issue, draw a line, and lead on it. He wants to wait on public opinion and try to be on both sides of an issue. Donald Trump takes hard positions -- and it put him in the White House! Why can't politicians like Cuomo?

The Curse of Cuomo also means Taxation Without Representation. Currently there are over a dozen vacant state legislative seats but Cuomo refuses to call special elections for them. So right now there are almost two million citizens of this state not getting 100% representation. This is totally un-American.

No Cuomo isn't as bad as Trump but still ... is someone like Cuomo really the alternative? Let's hope not! 

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