Thursday, February 22, 2018

Meet the FLONYC

The current First Lady of the United States (or FLOTUS) is a European-born former model named Melania who is little more than a trophy wife/mail-order bride for a rich, unattractive, incredibly insecure horrible man who cheats on her with, and sexually assaults, other women. As a FLOTUS, she is useless. Most First Ladies have had causes they've worked on -- Michelle Obama promoted healthy eating, Laura and Barbara Bush promoted literacy, Hilary Clinton promoted children's issues, Rosalind Carter promoted awareness of mental health issues, and Nancy Reagan taught us all to "Just Say No" to drugs. Melania says she wants to raise "awareness" of cyber-bullying but, since she's married to the world's most famous cyber-bully, her cri de coeur is an obvious jokes and she's done nothing about it. In fact, she does nothing at all as far as anyone can tell.   

But the current First Lady of New York City (FLONYC), Chirlane McCray, is a marvelously accomplished and impressive woman. While married to the current mayor, she used to work as a speechwriter for past mayors, has published essays, and now works with her husband, the mayor, on a number of issues effecting the most vulnerable New Yorkers. She works tirelessly on issues regarding services for LGBTQ people and even established the city's first  24/7 mental health hotline. She's also working to make life -- and therefore rehabilitation -- easier for women in city jails as well as helping women flee the horrors of domestic abuse. Considering how many projects she's working on, Chirlane sounds busier than her husband! 

NYC is lucky to have a FLONYC like her. If only she could be our FLOTUS!     

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