Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Fly Fliers Away!

Now that it's opening a massive new complex is NYC that threatens to increase the already spiraling COLA in this town, Amazon is trying to win over public opinion by going on a massive PR campaign.

Oh, Amazon is making promises to hire low income workers, set up programs, etc. -- promises, promises that I'll be shocked if they ever keep.

But one thing they're doing is mailing fliers to just about every resident of NYC touting the benefits of this project. We've gotten more than one -- it feels like 1,000.

Memo to Amazon: you're not going to win "hearts and minds", you're not going to get people to approve of something they disapprove of by clogging their mailboxes with junk. Stop with the fliers!

This is NYC, we're not exactly un-sophisticated, and we know (not very good) propaganda when we see it. Save your money and a few forrests while you're at it. 

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