Friday, March 22, 2019

The Malls of NYC

When the new Hudson Yards development opened last week, NYC didn't just get a new neighborhood, it also got a new mall.

Even though this city probably has more individual stores and shops than any other place in the United States, NYC is replete with malls -- every borough has at least one big stand-alone mall but there are many more housed in big developments like the Time-Warner Center, the new World Trade Center, South Street Seaport, Times Square, Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn, Flushing, even the South Bronx. 

The malls vary. 

Some are big traditional malls with a mixture of different kinds of businesses. Some are mostly food courts and big grocery stores. Some are based around clothes or discount shopping. Others are not technically malls at all but "shopping centers" that are more neighborhood based.

Go to this Google Map and drag your browser around the map of NYC and you'll be started at the number of mall in this town (or maybe you won't, how the hell would I know?).

But safe to say, the next time a big development or building opens, "dollars to donuts", it'll probably add another mall to NYC. 

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