Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Tammany Hall Lives!

As election day draws near, and a record number of New Yorkers turn out to vote early, much attention has been drawn to the operations of the NYC Board of Elections.

And it ain't good attention.

This brutal article examines how the BOE is a legacy, a relic, a complete vestige of the old Tammany Hall patronage system. It is not, and never has been, staffed by election professionals or even people who could get regular jobs either in government or the private sector. The people who run and work at the BOE are friends and relatives of a various elected officials, total amateurs, cronyism in its purest form -- people who don't even rise to the level of hacks.

The incompetence, the mistakes, the unforced errors, the dissaray of the BOE has a been an embarrassment to NYC for a long time. Sadly, it doesn't seem like reform will ever happen because the people in charge of reforming it -- i.e. elected officials -- are the very same people who have benefited from the BOE being this asleep-at-the-wheel mess. 

No matter who wins in November, the BOE will probably continue its not-at-all funny comedy of errors.

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