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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Classic Mr NYC

One of the biggest casualties in this time of pestilence is the party. People can't party. They can't go to parties. They can't organize parties. They can't congregate to make merriment or "get down" or do whatever people like to do at parties. 

If they do, they're breakin' da' law. You may like the nightlife, you may like to boogie, but right now it'll get you arrested. 

So people are making withdrawals from their party memory banks, remembering times and places before the plague when they had carefree fun with their fellow homo sapiens en masse.  

I recently read a big article where a variety of famous and glamorous people were recalling the very best parties they ever went to. Most of these fetes were big bashes thrown by wealthy and famous and powerful people for other wealthy and famous and powerful people -- the kinds of parties that yours truly has never been, and never will be, invited to.

However ... I was pleasantly surprised to see that one of the folks in this article was previous Mr NYC interviewee Tama Janowitz, where she recalls going to an "after-party" of sorts for Andy Warhol's funeral. It's a touching, beautiful vignette of a time, place, and event celebrating the life of a unique and memorable figure. 

You can read all about it, as well as Tama's interview with this blog, here and here

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