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Friday, October 29, 2021

Sex and Not the City

As COVID wanes, and the Sex and the City sequel series gets ready to air, one hopes that New Yorkers are feeling frisky again.

But have you ever wondered -- and I never did until I read this article -- if having sex in NYC or any big city is somehow different than doing the deed in a more rural, less urban environment?

And I'm not talking about shtupping in public -- like in a back alley somewhere vs. out in some field in the countryside -- I'm talking about, as this lady relates, the difference between living and making love in an apartment or house with the sounds and lights of the city permeating through the walls and windows vs. the utter tranquility, isolation, and dead quiet of the country.

While the physical act remains the same, the mileau, the mindset, the emotional and psychological interaction is different. In NYC, all sex is almost by definition nervous sex but "in the trees" it's more calm, more subdued. 

Is it better? Is it worse? What do you think?

Horny minds want to know!

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