Tuesday, July 5, 2022

"Stay with Me Tonight"

Here's a fascinating historical artifact -- a music video from 1983 (back in the days when MTV was riding high and actually showing videos) by the rather forgotten pop singer Jeffrey Osborne from his big hit "Stay with Me Tonight."

It's one of those videos that actually has a little bit of plot -- long story short, Osborne is walking around NYC, singing, then goes to a bar to scope out chicks, still stinging, then meets an Asian-looking woman, sing some more, and hilarity ensues. 

This song is one of those 1980s ditties that you hear today in dentist offices and fast-food joints but the video is fascinating -- it perfectly captures the early '80s NYC nightlife, the Bright Lights Big City scene, with neon and bad hair in abundance. No one snorts any coke but they probably did that off-camera.


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