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Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Washington Was a Renter

Every day in the news you hear things like "The White House says ..." or "According to the White House ..." or "Now we go live to The White House ..." -- whatever it is, it's "White House" this or "White House" that.

It's the most powerful building in the world, and its very name projects power. And we all know, it's located in Wasington, DC.

But the first capital city of these United States was New York City -- from April 30, 1789 until August 30, 1790, approximately. The first capital was at Federal Hall. And then the capital moved to Phildelphia while Washington DC was being built.

But where did the President, George Washington, live in NYC?

Two places: the first was the Samuel Osgood House at 3 Cherry Street. Washington moved in just before being sworn in. Believe it or not, the first presiden'ts first house was a rental, and ten months later, like any good New Yorker, Washington moved when he found a better deal -- a bigger place called Alexander Macomb House at 39-41 Broadway. But just a few short months later his gig took him to Philly. So these two NYC homes served as the first "White Houses" for a very short time.

Sadly both homes were demolished in 1856 and 1940, respectively. It's hard to believe that no one thought they were worth preserving -- certainly we wouldn't make that mistake today! But it's interesting to know that George Washington, the first American president, was an NYC renter like so many others. 

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