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Friday, December 7, 2007

Oh Danny Boy, the Private Sector is Calling

Big news day here in NYC - in fact, it's so big, you should really check out today's New York Times metro section.

The New York Times

Robert Chamber's lady friend took a plea, there's not one but THREE subway stories, the city is trying to keep water bills low, and that's just the very, very short version.

Probably the biggest news of the day: Dan Doctoroff, Deputy Mayor Extrodinaire and Mayor Bloomberg's right-hand visionary, is resigning to become president of ... Bloomberg LP.

A Would-Be Robert Moses, Doctoroff had ideas of bringing the Olympics here, building a West Side stadium, developing Hudson Yards, creating an Airport village, rezoning parkland, and helping to create PlaNYC. He accomplished some of these things, failed at others, but definitely left an imprint. Glad we had him.

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