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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Should Ray Kelly Resign?

Ray Kelly been the NYPD Police Commissioner for ten years.

He claimed that he was not interviewed for a viciously anti-Islam film that was apparently being shown on a continuous loop to NYPD trainees. He said that his appearance in this film was from archival footage.

This was a lie and has been proven to be so. Now the NYPD has admitted it. Mayor Bloomberg himself has said that showing this film was wrong.

So should Ray Kelly resign?


  1. Ray Kelly should absolutely resign. Firstly, from the descriptions of this film, it appears to be a propaganda film that is tinged with racism, no different than the slander and racism African Americans experienced years ago.(It continues today.) Secondly, he lied about his involvement with the film. This is serious stuff. In light of this and other scandals within the department under his watch, it is time for him to leave.

  2. Commissoner Ray Kelly can no longer perform his job in a manner where the public can trust him. He lied about his with the film. He has had numerous scandals over the years and now it appears he knew of his sons wrong doing and did nothing to investigator it at the time. This screams coverup !! Mr. Mayor it's time to remove the Commissioner from his postion.


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