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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Amazon HQ to LIC?

Today is election day so, if you haven't already (I have!) go vote! 

Dear Lord, for the love of all that is holy on this planet, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please (you get the idea) go VOTE! VOTE BLUE! NO MATTER WHO!

We should know tonight, certainly tommorrow, who won. Le sigh. 

But one thing we won't know tomorrow, but should soon, is whether or not Amazon will open a new headquarters in Long Island City. This is apparently close to a done deal but the head of Aamzon, Jeff Bezos, and Mayor De Blasio are saying nothing about it -- yet. But, if this happens, it'll be a huge moment in NYC history and a transformative moment in the history of Queens.

If the numbers are to be believe, something like 50,000 jobs will come from this move. It'll mean lots more people living, working, and communting in this historically underpopulated neighborhood. In the last few years a large number of high rises have been popping up in LIC and the neighborhood has gone from being a quiet industrial area into a bustling residential and commercial neighborhood. If Amazon sets up shop there, it'll cement LIC's legacy.

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