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Monday, November 5, 2018

Vote Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is The Day. Tomorrow is The Day when this country either slides further into fascism or reclaims its soul. 

It's never been more vital, never been more urgent, never been more necessary than for all decent minded people to go out the polls tomorrow - and VOTE BLUE!

This weekend I did some political canvassing, handing out flyers for a candidate in an important NY State Senate race. It was absolutely amazing. Except for encountering a few angry, deranged Republican cranks, the vast majority of the people were excited to vote for a Democrats. This included people from all walks of life -- young, old, black, white, brown, male, female, everyone. It gave me hope -- but, again, hope doesn't replace votes. So go vote!

Here is the info for the NYC Board of Elections. Go find your local polling place and head there tomorrow!

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