Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Queens DA Debate

Last night there was a lively debate amongst the various candidates running for Queens District Attorney. You can watch it here.

This is a very important election because it will decide how and which crimes are prosecuted (or not) for possibly a generation. In NYC, elected DAs often stay in office for decades -- they're not supposed to but they are rarely ever challenged and they rarely ever lose (the Brooklyn DA's race in 2013 was a big exception). Mayors, Governors, and Presidents come and go every few years but DAs stick around. So whoever wins this race will probably be in office for a very long time.

This debate got a little odd when some of the candidates started talking about "crack McDonalds" and how prostitution has become such a serious concern because "even" white girls are doing it. Also, one candidate appears to believe that David Paterson is still governor -- that must please him.

Watch it for yourself. 

My choice in this race is Tiffany Caban and I urge everyone in Queens to vote for her.

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