Thursday, November 14, 2019

Interview: Margo D. of the Brooklyn Fit Chick Blog/Podcasts

As a pop culture junkie, a podcasting junkie, and an NYC junkie, it was a thrill to discover the Brooklyn Fit Chick blog. This imaginative, dynamic site houses not one, not two, but count 'em five (!) podcasts that cover the gamut of popular culture -- everything from tawdry reality shows, to  great music, to classic films, and, as the monicker implies, fitness (which she also teaches).

Fitness is perhaps the only thing I'm not a junkie about although my New Year's resolution will be to become one!  

Teaching fitness and producing five podcasts certainly requires a lot of energy, and Margo D aka. the Brooklyn Fit Chick has more of it than most. She even had enough energy to answer a few questions for Mr NYC readers where she talks about her podcasts, feminism, pop culture, and, naturally, fitness.

Before I ask anything else, why do call your blog the Brooklyn Fit Chick -- and what makes you or anyone else a Fit Bottomed Girl?

I entered the Blogging world ten years ago just to have a hobby from working all of the time. I wanted to talk about health and fitness which I did for years. Now I concentrate more on pop culture. A Fit Bottomed Girl is more of a taste of mind than a physical designation. You seek to be fit in mind, body, and spirit. Because Fit Bottoms come in all shapes and sizes!

Tell us quickly about the different podcasts you host, and what inspired their creation?

I met my "Book Vs Movie" co-host Margo P. at a fitness convention five years ago. We were both fitness Bloggers at the time. She had her own podcast at the time and would have me on as an occasional guest. One time, we spent most of the show talking about the book movie of Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil. I just came up with the idea for a show "Book Vs Movie" on the spot. It's now my longest-running show! I'm really proud of how we have grown!

Other shows?

I was a writer for years for the Fit Bottomed Girls site and pitched them the idea to create a podcast about 3 years ago and happily, they said yes! We have over 150 episodes and our content is super inclusive and welcoming. I'm really proud of it. Since then I have helped create other shows including "The Best Neighbors Podcast" which is a pop culture show with my neighbor Erin. (We also dish about reality TV!) "Not Fade Away" is a music show I occasionally attend. The "Dorking Out" show and "What a Creep" I co-host with my friend Sonia. I'm very busy creating them! It's my form of self-expression.

You really seem to love the highs and lows of popular culture -- great movies and music, "guilty pleasures", trashy reality shows -- and getting into the stories behind them. Do you consider yourself a cross-cultural connoisseur?

Yes! I spent a couple of years at Lucky magazine which combined high and low brands for fashion. I feel the same way about music, books, and movies. I kind of love (and hate!) a little bit of everything. I intensely dislike people who claim to hate reading as much as those who have a snobbish attitude about culture.

Your blog focuses a lot, but not exclusively, on female-oriented pop culture. Would you call your blog a feminist blog?

I identify as feminist but my Blog is not about politics. I do call out misogyny and sexism when I see it. But I also love trashy shows like the Bravo Real Housewives. Feminism is not a fringe group!

In addition to all your podcasts, you also teach fitness. As a very lazy person, what's a good workout routine to get back into shape?

Honestly, try to get a good walking routine going if you can manage that. I hurt my ankle last year and had to cut back which was the worst! As a New Yorker, I love walking. The YMCA is an inexpensive option for a gym and they have some great classes. My best advice is to try different workouts until you find something that resonates with you.

What makes a great workout playlist and what are some of your favorites?

I find mixing up different genres of music to be the best option when you have a variety of ages in your classes. In my heart, 90s music will always be my favorite but it can sound "old" to twenty somethings and younger. I try to listen to current music as much as I can and Spotify offers some great suggestions. On my playlists, you will often find Foo Fighters, Lizzo, Pink, Metric, and Rhianna!

What's your favorite thing about Brooklyn and New York City?

The people! New Yorkers are super fun and have a great attitude about life. I love the culture and history here. New Yorker is a wonderful mix of high and low brow entertainment and fashion. The best restaurants are only a subway ride away. What is better than that?

Thanks Margo!

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