Monday, November 18, 2019

Three Funny Unrelated NYC Clips

Here are three funny clips that have NOTHING to do with each other except that are tangentially-related by one thing -- NYC -- and, yours truly Mr NYC, love for them.

First funny clip: former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg swallowing his multi-billion dollar pride and announcing that he was wrong to support and implement the totally racist "stop and frisk" policing policy when he was in office. He's been out for almost six years and, I guess, had has time to reflect on this policy since his successor as mayor stopped it and crime has only gone down since then. What makes this funny, besides seeing a super rich and powerful guy publicly eat crow, is that he's only doing it now since he's running for president. It's an expedient coming to Jesus moment for an otherwise stubborn man. Funny!

Next funny clip: did you know that the great '90s NYC show Mad About You is coming back? Yes! It's back! Starting on November 20th! NYC's favorite yuppies Paul and Jamie Buchman will return to their living room and invade ours with their amusing hijinks and banter and all-around hilarity. And they're really freakin' old!

I remember watching this show in college when I was living far away from the city and it gave me some much-needed doses of NYC-therapy. It's also the show that made me want to get married and tell my beloved that I was her "houseboy Coco" (okay, that's creepy, I admit, but I was young). I cannot wait to see these new episodes -- just hope they're as good as the originals!

Final funny clip: one of my favorite movies of this year is Dolemite is My Name, the sweet Eddie Murphy-starring biopic of influential '70s comedian Rudy Ray Moore. Mr. Moore's comic alter-ego was a man named Dolemite, a "rappin' and tappin'" pimp who claimed that "Dolemite is my name and fucking up motherfuckers is my game!" In addition to this impressive skill, he could also "handcuff lightening and throw thunder's ass in jail!" so he was quite multi-talented. 

Mr. Moore wasn't just a comedian but he also made a movie about Dolemite -- and the biopic is about the making of this movie. Mr. Moore had a strict criteria for what made a great movie: comedy, kung fu, and "bitches", and the original Dolemite had all three.

Anyway, in the early 1990's, Rudy Ray Moore, as Dolemite, did a brilliant rap contest with the highly popular NYC rapper Big Daddy Kane. It became known as "Dolemite vs. Big Daddy Kane" and it is easily one of the funniest, wildest, dare I say most poetic things I've ever heard. In this rap, which you must listen to, Dolemite states that he does not take a back seat to any rapper and he informs Mr. Daddy Kane, that "when it comes down to rappin', I was through with it before you learned what to do with it!" He then talks more about performing various feats of impossible physical bravery as well as how he likes to ride "up and down in" a woman's private area and make it "weaker" and "deeper." Lovely #MeToo era stuff. Anyway, listen and laugh! 

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