Monday, December 16, 2019

Harvey Speaks!

Fallen movie producer Harvey Weinstein recently gave an interview where he says that he can't possibly be that bad a rapist because he helped further the career of a lot of actresses and female directors. Also, he's now using a walker because he messed up his back in a car accident. 

Poor Harvey!

This is something that rich and powerful people can do (or at least try to do) that most common people can't: they can do horrible, evil things -- commit crimes even! -- and then use their money and power to launder their reputations. For example, for all of the raping Harvey did, he raised money for AIDS research and gave lots of aspiring people in the movie business career breaks. We see billionaires, like the Koch Brothers, whose companies pollute the environment and undermine the social safety net but they also give lots of money to cancer research and arts organization. I remember, back around 2002/2003, when the Enron scandal was a big story, many of the executives involved pleaded for lenient because their money and wives for adult literacy. 

This is what's wrong with our whole economic and social system: the rich and powerful can evade serious consequences because they can buy the best legal services and bribe the right people. They can use the media to rehabilitate their image. They can twist everything around to their advantage.

And the rest of us? Who cares?

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