Friday, April 17, 2020

Cartier Catches Your Eyes

New York City is home to great architecture (newsflash, I know) but what's most interesting about great buildings are the stories behind them.

Every notable structure in this town, if you delve deep enough into the backstories, always reveals a fascinating tale of big personalities and big egos mixed with economic urgency and flat out greed -- all set against the backgroud of American and NYC history. 

One such building is on 52nd and Fifth Avenue, the gorgeous flagship store for Cartier, the world famous jeweler. The building has operated as Cartier's NYC headquarters for more than 100 years (since 1917) but the history behind this building is as interesting as its contents.

These two articles (here and here) give you an in-depth look at a building that, when you pass it on the street, you might find beautiful but not otherwise think about twice. 

Think again -- and learn more. 

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