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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

At Home in New York City

Gosh darn it, those Bowery Boys have done it again -- another great podcast episode (two this time) called At Home in New York City, about what it's actually like to live in NYC, and about what makes it home for the millions of different people that live here.

This story captures what makes every New Yorker's story of living here both unique and universal, both personal and public -- about the city we all see and the city we all feel inside us all. It's heartwarming and uplighting to listen to, especially in this dark time. 

These episodes also read from E.B. White's famous 1949 essay Here is New York where is writes about the three types of New Yorkers and also how NYC gives people both a great sense of privacy and a great sense of belonging.

Enjoy both the podcasts and the essay, and you'll remember why we all love this town.

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