Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wild Daze

These are certainly tumultuous times.

Last night was primary night, the first big election held in NYC in the middle of COVID-19. While most of the incumbents won, there were a few interesting outliers of upsets in the making -- and they are "in the making" because of the unprecedented number of absentee ballots cast (including my own) that won't be counted until next week. That means many of these races won't be "called" until then (or possibly later) but it's looking like, up in the Bronx, Congressman Eliot Engel will in fact lose to newcomer Jamaal Bowman and, over the East Side of Manhattan/Astoria, in a shocker, Carolyn Maloney is in a dead-heat with her young challenger. There are also a few state legislative races where incumbents are either down or tied with challengers -- so the progressive wave is very real here.

And, yes, let's record for the sake of posterity that AOC absolutely crushed it in her re-election. Some dopey former anchorwoman who is really a Republican challenged AOC in the Democratic primary, raised and spent $2 million, and now has nothing to show for it. Haha!

You can get the full (as of now) results for all these primaries here and here

And COVID-19 still is wrecking havoc on NYC, despite the "reopening." The mayor has indicated that mass lay-offs may be coming to city government, and the governor has announced quarantine restrictions for people coming to New York from states that have seen a spike in COVID-19 cases. Just a few short months ago NYC was the epicenter for the pandemic but smart rules "flattened the curve" and now the number of cases is very low. But other parts of the country that are run by morons are seeing their case loads shoot-up -- and we don't want them here! 

And then! ... There's the fireworks. Yes, for reasons no one can entirely understand, people have been setting off fireworks all over town. They started quietly in early June and now, right near the end of the month, they have become our secondary pandemic. They are going off in each of the five boroughs -- as this interactive map shows -- and it's driving people nuts. Now the mayor has said something will be done about it.

Oh yes, these are wild days putting us all in a daze -- and, for my money, life can't get boring enough soon enough!

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