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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Future is Here

Sometimes history has a way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it. 

Last night were the Congressional primaries in NYC and, shockingly, Congressman Joe Crowley -- Chairman of the Queen County Democratic Committee and the 4th highest ranking Democrat in the House -- lost to a 28-year old newcomer (who's half his age) named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (until last year she was a cocktail waitress -- you know, part of the REAL working class).

No one expected this.

Crowley has been safely entrenched in this seat for two decades and, in NYC, incumbents in both parties are generally safe from such challenges by upstarts (all of the other incumbents won).

But last night, not so much.

Ms. Oacsio-Cortez ran a smart, articulate, very organized campaign and out-maneuvered Crowley in ways he obviously never anticipated. It was a victory for pure democracy and for the next generation -- a sign that, if you work hard and smart, you can beat seemingly insurmountable odds. 

The old-guard, the machine-driven, mostly white office holders o the past. The future is here. 

Ocasio-Cortez joins a growing number of Democratic women running and winning in primaries this year. Their energy, their enthusiasm, their moral clarify is infectious. Hopefully all of them will be elected and make Trump and the Republicans suffer for the nightmare they've inflicted on this country. 

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