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Friday, September 11, 2020

Classic Mr NYC

Thirty-years ago the brilliant show Northern Exposure debuted on American television. Set in the bizarre small town of Cicely, Alaska, it featured an ecclectic group of characters and their odd-ball behavior, centered around a Jewish New York doctor forced to live and work there to pay off his medical school debts.

Northern Exposure was a forerunner, along with a lot of other great shows of the era (Twin Peaks, thirtysomething, Quantum Leap), to the now Golden Age of Television. The writing was brilliant, the acting was first rate, and in tone and attitude and perspective this show was as NYC as it gets -- even though it took place far, far away from here. 

I blogged about this show on its 20th anniversary and now a young woman -- who only caught up with it two years ago and probably wasn't even alive when it was on TV -- writes about discovering and falling in love with this classic piece of Americana. 

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