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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Gotta Love New Yorkers

As NYC went into COVID-19 lockdown, every life in the city changed. Some people started working from home (like yours truly) while others lost their jobs and began grappling with the misery of unemployment. Everyone with children had to make accommodations with schools closed. And we became extremely aware of the city's essential workers, especially those in hospitals, keeping NYC and its citizens literally alive.

One of the most overlooked among our essential worker heroes were the meal service workers in our public schools. While children and teachers and maintenance people went home, they stayed and made meals. These meals were then distributed at the schoolhouse doors each day to any New Yorker who wanted one. They literally fed our people every single day -- at 54 million meals and counting, the demand for their work is as essential as anything.

And they've kept at it not only through the virus but also through the brutally hot summer, working in close quarters in hot kitchens for long hours. Their physical and psychological stamina is truly amazing and humbling to behold. The city is lucky to have them.

They keep us alive.  

These meal service workers don't get the same praise or recognition as people who arrest criminals, fight fires, cure sick people, or the like. They don't make movies and TV shows about them, they don't wear cool uniforms, flash badges, or create great drama ("Hands up! Don't move!" "You're not going in there! Oh yes I am!" "Paddles! Stat!"). They just quietly and faithfully nourish and rejuvenate us.

And in filling our bellies, they also fill our souls.

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