Monday, March 13, 2023

Memo from NYC

If you were a teenager in the early 1990s like moi, you remember the 1992 "classic" movie Encino Man. It was one of those very stupid movies about stupid people doing stupid things that were popular at the time, and all of them seemed to end with lots of people dancing en masse. 

Anyway, thirty-one years later, two of its stars have just won Oscars, so it's a good time to remember one of its other big stars, the brilliant comedian Pauly Shore.

Obviously, I'm joking; Pauly Shore's "comedy" was less than brilliant -- then or now -- but, in the early 1990s, Shore had a movie career and his brand of creepy weirdo humor had a moment -- although today it would get you "cancelled" much like Shore's movie career has been since roughly 1996.    

And what would REALLY get you cancelled today is this interview Pauly Shore gave with a now-defunct movie magazine in 1994, at the height of his brief stardom. I found it courtesy of previous Mr NYC interviewee Lebeau's Le Blog -- and some of the stuff Shore says in this interview makes you wonder why every women alive isn't a radical militant feminist who wants to kill all men. After reading this interview I wanted to become such a person!

Here are some of Mr Shore's lovely gems about the fairer gender in this interview:

“Girls, basically, run this town because they have the pussy. Especially the hot chicks."

“Now, at a club or something, you’re just gonna meet girls that you fuck … You give them your number, they come over late, they blow you. You fuck them. Whatever. Girls are not gonna be attracted to me necessarily by my looks, but because I’m smart, nice, and sensitive to them. Ninety-nine percent of guys are assholes who treat women very mean.”

“Every girl that I have gone out with has come from a very similar background: all from shitty homes, who don’t know what they want out of life. I keep ’em up, take care of ’em. Kind of a father figure, but these girls are so fucked up. And then, I’m stuck with this baggage on my shoulders.” 

“See, guys just like to fuck and get sucked off by hot chicks.”

I told my wife about this and she, quite rightly, said that it was a shtick that was popular at the time (she's the same age as me) but that obviously doesn't hold up today. But for some reason, seeing two of Pauly Shore's co-stars triumph on Oscar night, I couldn't help wondering about their other former co-star who will probably never win an Oscar and what they'd think about his "comedy."

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