Tuesday, June 27, 2023

I'm Big in Singapore

More than a dozen years ago I blogged about the fact that this blog had, for a time, an unusually high readership in Russia

Ensuing events have certainly made me conclude that those "readers" were probably bots -- like the kinds that seek to conduct informational warfare and influence elections. 

Anyhoo, Russia is no longer this blog's biggest readership and hasn't been for a long time. Happily the USA remains the main source for this blog's readership which gives me a smidgen of confidence that perhaps real live human beings are reading this here 'thang.

But in the last year, in just checking the stats, it's actually Singapore that has been driving most of this blog's traffic, slightly ahead of the USA. Yes, instead of the world's biggest political landmass reading Mr NYC, now one of the world's smallest does so. 

As you may know, Singapore is a city-state located in southeast Asia, right off the coast of Malaysia. It used to be a British colony like Hong Kong but had been a thriving independent city-state for decades -- and one of the world's most desirable places to live

Now it's quite possible (in fact, most likely) that most of the Singapore readership is bots but -- haha -- if any real live Singaporeans are reading Mr NYC I'd love for you leave comment or three -- and I hope one day to visit your fine city-country, truly a sibling city to NYC if there ever was one.

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