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Friday, August 18, 2023

Showdown at Creedmoor

I've blogged over the years about the bizarre persona that is Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels and all around wild NYC media character. He's been bopping around the city ever since my childhood and, as I wrote about in 2018, I've seen him around town more than two or three times. 

In 2021 he ran for mayor as the Republican candidate and got clocked by Eric Adams. That's right -- in 2021, Eric Adams was the sane, reasonable candidate even though he says he's a lion like Ghandi or something like that -- I'm not kidding -- and hangs out with criminals.

Yes, that's right, Curtis Sliwa is even crazier than that.

Anyway, since he doesn't have a real job, Sliwa was apparently at Creedmoor out in northeast Queens leading a protest against the migrant tent city -- and he got arrested. Apparently this was a planned stunt, something the original troll Sliwa does well (unlike making child support payments). Imagine being so much of an asshole that you're protesting against helping people, you're protesting in support of hurting people? This is so important to him that he was willing to get arrested for it. 

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