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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Mayors Abroad

Currently Mayor Adams is in Israel to visit the nation's leaders -- and help cement support from Jewish voters in his expected reelection effort in 2025. 

As this article explicates, mayors have been visiting foreign lands with large diasporas (i.e. voting blocks) in NYC for a long time. Back in the day, it used to be the three Is -- Ireland, Italy and Israel. This coincided with the immense power that the New York Archdiocese used to wield in the city, with mayors or candidates for mayor sucking up to the Cardinal in St. Patrick's of the day. But as the city's demography as changed, and as the Catholic church has gone into sharp reputational and temporal decline, this obeisance from mayors has declined with it.

In recent years, mayors have been visiting Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic as well, places which also are strongly represented in NYC's population and politics. Increasingly, it would not surprise me to see mayors going east -- especially to  China and Korea and India -- since the Asian population is sharply on the rise and more and more Asians are exercising their political clout in the city.

When you're the Mayor of NYC, the world's greatest international city, you don't just need to mind the five boroughs -- but also huge swaths of the globe.

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