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Thursday, January 24, 2008

“It’s a goddamn phone booth! Who do you think I called?”

The New York Press has a great article today about the four remaining phone booths - yes, the actual metal and glass boxes that Superman changes in - in NYC. They are all, for reasons this article makes clear, on West End Avenue (between 66th and 101st streets).

If you've ever seen these phone booths and wonder why, in this huge city, there are only four left and why are all on West End Avenue (of all the godforsaken places), you will be shocked to learn that it's because of ONE person. You can either thank or scorn him, depending on your opinion of the phone booths. Personally, I'm glad in this cellphone/Blackberry era, we still have a few of these telephonic relics left.


See, even in NYC, one weirdo can make a difference!

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