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Friday, February 29, 2008

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

Can you be addicted to sex? Can you be addicted to love? Well, if you are, then you might as well face it. There are actually numerous support groups for you here in town that can help you out.

S.L.A.A. Greater New York Area Meeting List

"It's Time" - NYC Congestion Pricing Ad

Now that Mike Bloomberg is definitely not running for President, he can devote more time to his congestion pricing plan. Bloomberg first unveiled it last year and Mr NYC (along with The New York Times and other big power brokers of this town) endorsed it.

Now some organization called the Environmental Defense Fund is hitting the NYC airwaves with this and other ads promoting the plan. Check 'em out if you want to know more about who's sponsoring this propaganda. They seem harmless but it's always good to know who's putting up the money.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mike Won't Be President

So it looks like Mike Bloomberg, our Mayor extraordinaire, will definitely-absolutely not-no way in hell-uh-uh-ain't gonna happen-no no no ... NOT run for President in 2008.

It's official. I mean it's officially official, not unofficially official like it was for the last year.

It's not that a short, Jewish, divorced, sixty-something billionaire New Yorker who loved smoking pot as a youth would have trouble appealing to voters in the heartland. It's that getting elected President as an independent in this country is, well, a bit tough. Also, while Mike is probably the most visionary and competent chief executive in America today, that makes little difference with most voters who value charisma and "character" above all else. Mike has many talents but the ability to charm is sadly not one of his more glistening ones. And his character? Well, unlike some of our other mayors, Mike really isn't one.

So maybe he'll become a great philanthropist like he promises to or maybe he'll become the Commissioner of Major League Baseball or a maybe university president. Whatever he does, I'm sure he'll be successful at it.

I just found a great new blog called The Disconnection: Encounters with Strangers by a writer named Nubia DuVall (who also writes for The New York Press). It presents funny and interesting observations about every day life in this town - the idiosyncratic, weird, strange, and surreal - and does it with a great heart. Check it out.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

William F. Buckley RIP

The father of modern conservatism, William F. Buckley, joined Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater in that shining city in the clouds today. The founder of National Review, host of PBS's "Firing Line", and godfather of right-wing American thought, he spent more than half a century convincing our nation that greed was good and government was bad. And although his ideology triumphed in, and become almost synonomous with, the American heartland, Bill Buckley was a New York City boy through and through (he even ran for Mayor in 1965 but lost to John Lindsay).

Buckley was not, however, one of those pompous gas bags of the American right. Oh no. He was, above all else, a gentlemen and a scholar, a man of great wit and sophistication, a masterful intellect.

Yes, he thought Joe McCarthy was a hero and Social Security was the devil's work but there's no doubt that Mr. Buckley was a thoughtful, gracious man who respected everyone and valued the power of ideas and the American dream above all else. He changed America. How many of us can claim to have done that?

Here is Buckley providing commentary in 1968 on the upcoming Presidential Election with his archnemesis Gore Vidal (the one that gave us Richard Nixon). Agree with them or not, but do you think we'd never see such articulate men providing political analysis on TV today?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The New York Philharmonic in North Korea

Tonight the New York Philharmonic is in North Korea, playing before an assortment of diplomats and citizens of the Hermit Kingdom (although not the "Dear Leader" himself). This is the first cultural exchange between our nation and one of the members of the "Axis of Evil." What does this visit mean for world affairs?

It's impossible to gauge. But ping-pong diplomacy gave way to Nixon going to China and who knows but maybe the New York Philharmonic in North Korea will help thaw our glacial relations with this most strange, frightening of nations. If the people of North Korea, so isolated from the rest of the world and so brainwashed with anti-American propaganda, can finally instead see Americans creating beautiful music for their enjoyment, maybe, just maybe, they'll have second thoughts about us. And perhaps, in the years to come, things will change.

The New York Philharmonic Tries to Strike the Right Notes In North Korea

A Tribute to The Gates

Tonight HBO is showing a documentary about The Gates, the February 2005 art installation in Central Park. If you heard about it or actually saw it, it was an amazing display of literally thousands of "gates" with orange-colored flaps that were spread out across the three mile expanse of the park. The Gates was the brain-child of the eccentric artists Christo and Jean-Claude who have created other massive public art projects like the wrapping of the Reichstag. Apparently it took more than 25 years for this project to be realized and, once it was, it was a huge hit with critics and the public alike. Oh, and it generated over $200 million in tourist revenue for the city.

I remember seeing The Gates, this audacious and dazzling thing, in 2005. Walking around it, part of me found it absurd but another part of me was grateful to live in a city that thinks art should be shared by all. My brother, an excellent photographer, took a whole bunch of pictures of it and did a great job. I'm happy to share these exclusive photos with Mr NYC readers.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Interview: Midwesterner in NYC

Although I consider myself to be the quintessential New Yorker, I did leave town for four years to go to college. College happened to be in the Gateway City, otherwise known as St. Louis, in that great swing state of Missouri. How interesting then that I should come across another New York City blogger who happens to be from ... St. Louis! Thus I introduce you to the genius behind the Midwesterner's Guide to Living in New York City and ask him to compare and contrast the two cities.
What made you leave St. Louis for New York City?

Pretty long and complicated answer but cutting to the chase I was bored. In fact I can sum up pretty much why I do anything with those three words. Any decision I make in life usually stems from the fact I was bored with whatever I was doing before.
Why did you start your blog? In an all honesty no bullshit answer I wanted to get a blog I had created on Gawker. I know it is probably not cool to admit that but that is the truth, I had no aspirations that someday I would get a book deal or become a famous internet personality. I used to read Dan Murphy (Daily Dump/[redacted]) and Rob the Bouncer's (Club Life) blogs and wanted to have my own little niche like they did. Dan Murphy is an excellent writer and Rob the Bouncer has interesting stories to tell and I did not feel I particularly had either of these qualities. Fortunately I drink a lot and urinate in places I should not, and can make a good Star Wars reference so it only took me three weeks to reach my lofty goal. I considered quitting right then, and probably should have.Are you right at home in NYC or a fish out of water? I think everyone that moves here is a fish out of water for the first 18 months. I think it takes a solid year and a half to finally feel like there is a sense of knowing what you are doing. Then one day things that were once intimidating are not anymore and things that were fascinating are no longer fascinating. It just becomes "The place I live" and it takes a trip somewhere else to realize again what a wonderfully horrible place this is.Let's compare the two cities: I found the pace of life in St. Louis to be a little slower than NYC but I didn't find them to be that radically different. How would you compare them? I think the differences are quite huge. In one city you have to be constantly on guard, trouble will find you if not careful. I mean you can be walking on Broadway and your getting stared down by everyone that passes because they peg you as an outsider and the next thing you know your wallet is gone. Thank God I left all that behind and moved to New York.You're a big sports fan, and both St. Louis and New York are big sports town. Tell us your thoughts about sports and sports fans in both cities. I disagree, I do not think either city is a big sports town. St. Louis loves baseball but too many people are caught up in the hype that we are the "Best Baseball city in America". I mean people are holding up signs at games that say "Baseball Heaven U.S.A.". Give me a fucking break. Have you seen the Cardinals projected lineup for this year? Baseball Heaven? More like Baseball Purgatory.
New York on the other hand is too fair-weather. Too many Jets fans that "also like the Giants." I do know some native New Yorkers that are very loyal to their team but the average guy that lives in New York is not from here originally. These people move here and declare themselves Yankees fans though they could not tell you the difference between Claudell Washington and Kevin Mass. I will give credit to the people that pick the Mets as their new team, at least they are not just jumping on a bandwagon. If it is a bandwagon it is a very sad and poorly crafted bandwagon that breaks down before it ever reaches Oregon

One thing I loved about St. Louis was Ted Drews frozen custard. Are you a fan and do you think it would be a hit in NYC?

Yeah it is OK. I think I was six years old or so the first time I ever had it, of course my Grandfathers hype machine was in overdrive telling me how wonderful this stuff was. By the time I actually tried it I was expecting the equivalent of eating "Le Coeur de la Mer", when in reality it was just ice cream. I am sure it would do fine here, probably better in the summer than in winter. That is my prediction.

Any plans to move back to the Midwest?


Any final thoughts?
I want to thank you for asking me to do this. It is an absolute honor to be interviewed by a publication as respected as The Economist.
Well Mr NYc is not quite The Economist but a blogger can dream. Thanks!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Peter Luger's Steakhouse ... and others

Recently my beloved and I had our Valentine's Day dinner at Peter Luger's Steakhouse. Now if you don't know, this is generally considered the best steakhouse in the WORLD. Not having eaten in every steakhouse in the world, I can't say for sure if this is true but it's darn good -- their famous Porterhouse, particularly with a medium rare bubblegum center topped with their famous sauce, is of a truly transcendent succulence. Equally good is their bacon appetizer, a thick and well seasoned strip of pork. Throw in some creamed spinach and fried potatoes plus a glass of merlot, and you've got a meal to remember.

There are actually two Peter Luger's locations -- the Brooklyn one, located right under the Williamsburg Bridge, and another in Great Neck, literally a block or two outside the Queens' border. I've been to both and my verdict is that while the Brooklyn location has slightly (and I mean slightly) better food, the Great Neck location is less frenzied and friendlier (Luger's waiters are, to put it mildly, a tough lot). You'll spend at least $100 per person and they don't take cash ... they do, however, take debit cards.

Other streak places I've been to in the last couple of years:

Wolfgang's on 33rd and Park Avenue South: good food, not great, but horrendously bad service.

Strip House on East 12th Street: good if not memorable food but good service and luxurious decor.

Morton's: I've only been to the one in Great Neck but it's great: excellent food and great service. You must have their oysters on the half-shell as an appetizer and the souffle!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Currently our town is layered with about 2 inches of snow. Remember your galoushes!

After Hours

Here's one of the more offbeat NYC movies - Martin Scorsese's 1985 film "After Hours." Basically it's about a guy who gets lost in Soho late at night after a date gone awry. It's kinda dated now (in an error of Metrocards and cell phones he wouldn't have the kinds of transportation and communications problems he does) but it's still a fun, quirky flick nonetheless.

This is one of those movies that Scorsese made after "Raging Bull" and before "Goodfellas." He won an award for Best Director at Cannes for it - 21 years before his Oscar.

New York in the Movies

Few cities are as lovingly or disturbingly captured on film as New York. Think of two iconic New York films of the 1970s: "Taxi Driver" and "Manhattan." In the former, the city is a vile wasteland of human degradation and violence; in the latter, it is a playground for lovers. Whatever you think of this town, there is probably some movie that expresses your view. This New York Times City Room artilces lists all the great, and not so great, New York movies, from "42nd Street" in 1933 to "Michael Clayton" in 2007.

We Love This Dirty Town (On Film)

I could write for hours and hours about NYC in the movies but ultimately it would just be a dialogue with myself. I'm more interested in what other people think. So what is your favorite New York City movie?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Keith Olbermann and Maria Malito on Idol Season 7

Here's my favorite NYC DJ Maria Malito on Olbermann.

I used to listen to her at night on KROCK back in high school. She has, no question, the best voice of any DJ in town. You can hear her now on Q104.3.

Rockin' in the NYC

In this age of IPods, music downloads, satellite radio, NPR, and media consolidation, the state of commercial music radio has fallen into a sorry state. Here in NYC, its decline has been particularly acute, especially since the old WNEW went talk, then pop. But in the last couple of years the ratings for rock radio have surged. And now that CD 101.9 has flipped to rock, New Yorkers suddenly have THREE strong rock stations to choose from.

For those about to rock, 3 radio stations recruit you

One reason for the revival: these stations have great New York-centric DJs like Bob Buchman, Jim Kerr, and Maria Malito.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sunday Brunch in NYC

Sunday brunch in NYC is a one of the loveliest things you can do with someone. But too often brunch spots in this town are crowded, requiring long waits, and really expensive. Here's a couple of good ideas for affordable and inexpensive brunches in NYC:

The Grand Cafe in Astoria: really good food and it never gets really crowded. The brunch is only $11 per person and that includes coffee and either OJ or a mimosa, Bloody Mary, or champaign. A great deal.

L'Express on 20th and Park Avenue South: not as good or as cheap as the Grand Cafe but it's huge so it's never too hard to get a table, plus its right near Union Square which, on Sundays, usually has a farmer's market.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Love Me, Love My Apartment

In New York, we love real estate as much as our fellow man and woman. And this article proves it:

Love Me, Love My Apartment.

Where you live in town can determine who you will or will not date based on where they live in town. New Yorkers get wedded to their neighborhoods usually before they get wedded to someone else so it can be as hard to "break up" with your 'hood as it is with a significant other.

Currently I live in Queens with my great love and her greatness is proved by the fact that I left Manhattan for her. (Interestingly enough my mom did the opposite - leaving Queens for Manhattan to be with my dad. What goes around, etc.) I've dated gals who've lived on the East Side, West Side, Hell's Kitchen, Park Slope and the Village but only one was worth "breaking up" with my neighborhood and crossing the river for - and I'm sure glad I did :)

We can dream ...

I guess this is one piece of real estate no New Yorker can get his (or her) hands on ...

New Yorker in the White House? Seems Like a Long Shot Now

We're 4 New York (WNBC - 1992 Original)

This has to be seen to be believed.

It is, probably, the cheesiest and most shamelessly manipulative piece of propaganda since "Triumph of the Will".

You watch this thinking it's some kind of great pro-New York City promotional ad - hey, it's got Jerry Seinfeld and the Boy's Choir of Harlem in it after all - but it turns out just to be a plug for the local NBC station. Pitiful.

I remember first seeing this in 1992 during the Summer Olympics. I also remember seeing this next to a promo for "Mad About You". Now there was a show, even more than "Seinfeld", that understood NYC.

Monday, February 18, 2008

"Water" at Natural History

This weekend my beloved and I went to the "Water" exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History. This is one of those "blockbuster" exhibits - flashy displays, big ad pub budget, newspaper articles, etc. You have to buy tickets especially for this exhibit (general admission doesn't cover it), and you can only go at a certain time and have to wait on a long line to get in.

So does it live up to the hype? My verdict: it's worth seeing but overrated (In case you didn't know, water is the source of all life on earth). There are some very pretty displays, including a waterfall you walk through and a globe that talks and some other things that kids will have fun with (like playing with a block of ice), but this exhibit doesn't blow me away. It's more cutesy than amazing. I've seen more impressive shows like Jackson Pollack at MOMA or Turner/Whistler/Monet in Toronto or Salvador Dali in Venice. However, I did learn a few interesting facts:
  • There is more water in the rocks under the earth than on its surface
  • Only 3% of all water on earth is fresh
  • Only one third of this fresh water (so 1% of all water on earth), is accessible for drinking. The rest is frozen in the North and South Poles and fjords (or whatever they're called).

    You can also take an electronic quiz that teaches you how to be water efficient. One lesson: don't let your faucets drips!


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gatsby's Green Light in 2008

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is, of course, one of the absolute masterpieces of American literature. We all know the story (or should) about the poor North Dakota boy made Long Island millionaire (thanks to bootlegging) whose love for Daisy, "the golden girl", eventually destroys him. We all read it in high school so for many of us this novel reminds us of homework and book reports. But reading it again, one cannot help but be overpowered by the beauty of its words and themes.

This article from today's New York Times shows how this novel is still relevant today. Specifically, it concentrates on the central image of the green light, shining from Daisy's dock across the water, beckoning to Gatsby. Like the Mississippi River in Huckleberry Finn, taking Jim and Huck to freedom and exposing the madness and sheer idiocy of racism and slavery, the green light in many ways encapsulates America.

Fitzgerald, through the narrator Nick, sums up how the green light represents all the contradictory yearnings of the American dream. In the novel's closing passages, he writes:

... I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night.

Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.
It eluded us then, but that's no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further ... And one fine morning -

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Real Estate Success Story

A strange story about a guy who got an incredible real-estate deal.

A Co-op for $14,000? It’s No Fiction

To paraphrase "Annie Hall," finding and financing places to live in this town is a Kafkaesque experience.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Safe Sex and the City

Well, I knew this city was getting safer.

Just in time for Valentine's Day, ladies and gentlemen and trannies, the all-new NYC Condom!

Unveiled last year to much excitement (ba dum bum), the City of New York began distributing free latex love gloves branded with subway line letters. (I guess it was some kind of pun: subway = taking a ride. Get it? Get it??). However, probably realizing that people didn't want their love making skills compared to the MTA, the city has given the condom wrapper a snazzier look (per the above graph, the left-hand image is the old style, the right one the new).

Why did they make the change? Apparently, to keep it "fresh." Fresh condoms, I'm sure, are always appreciated. Especially since they gave out 36 million of these things last year!

A little math: 36 million condoms/8 million people = 4.5 condoms per person.

What the heck do you do with half a condom?

So come ... on people. If you really want to "express your love" for this city, I guess the best thing to do is get one of these things and shtup. After all, the city is actively encouraging you to do so. Your tax dollars hard - ha ha - at work!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Our City's Spirit in Action

This is too cute.

Brooklyn cabbie plays Cupid

People like Mr Ibrahim are what gives this city its great spirit. And he doesn't just write about it like some people -- cough cough hack hack -- do.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Memoirs of Studio 54

Cute little video about the legendary nightclub Studio 54. It's worth watching just to see Andy Warhol on roller skates.

Decadence has never been so classy.


If you live in New York City, then you probably have real estate on the brain (I mean, what else could there be?). Ergo it is incumbent upon you to read Curbed, the definitive NYC real estate blog. Not only does it have up-to-the-minute news about what's going on in real estate in this town, it has more useful links than any other online real estate resource I know.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Review: "August: Osage County"

Dramatic theater just doesn't get better than this: Tracy Letts' new play "August: Osage County" is an overwhelming, breathtaking, massively entertaining look at a seriously dysfunctional family in early 21st Century Oklahoma. When the patriarch of the Weston family vanishes, his cancer-stricken and drug-addled wife, three daughters, their various men and children, and the new Indian - sorry, Native American - housekeeper come together to sort things out. And hilarity - and I mean HILARITY - ensues.

"August" has been hailed by many critics as a great American masterpiece, a sure bet for the Pulitzer Prize, many Tony Awards, and a spot in the pantheon next to "Death of a Salesman" and "Long Day's Journey Into Night." Other critics, those lovable contrarians, have dismissed it as an empty, overhyped, noisy mess. Well, add Mr NYC to those who think it's a masterpiece.

At three and a half hours, the action flies by as scene neatly segues into scene, the characters evolve and reveal themselves, and the bit by bit the layers of the story create a rich, deep, and powerful experience. At the heart of the story is the conflict between Violet and Barbara: Deana Dunagan shines as Violet, the mother from hell who is at turns nasty and wise; Amy Morton is the oldest daughter Barbara who is trying to keep her hopeless family and failing marriage together; the rest of the cast ably supports the main stars and while you're sad for all of them, you're also sad when they go away.

This play is a jewel, the reason people love theater. "August" runs through April and, if you can go, you must.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

That Hillary Woman ...

I love this broad ...

Catholic Vote Is Harbinger of Success for Clinton

NBC Makes News on Clintons, and Reports on It, Too

Now Mr NYC is not endorsing her or anyone else for President. This is a non-partisan blog. But ya gotta "give props" to this lady, whether you like her or not (especially if not).

While she manages to drive the media and corporate/political world crazy, while she's always being criticized for being "evil" or "polarizing" or "a bitch", while everyone's always screaming about how she "can't" win this or that, somehow, someway, she always ends up beating everyone who stands in her way. Think about it:

- During the whole Monica Lewinsky thing, when she was humiliated in front of the country, instead of being pitied, she managed to turn it around become admired.

- In 2000, with no real qualifications or experiences, she carpet-bagged her way into a Senate seat here in New York. That dork Rick Lazio, an experience, New York native congressman who should have beaten her soundly, made a total fool of himself in a debate and basically handed her the election. (Sadly I can't find this on YouTube but it was priceless.)

- Once in the Senate, she not only became insanely popular with her Democratic colleagues but managed to win over the Republicans. Senator Lindsey Graham, one of those Southern Neanderthals who led the impeachment of her husband, wrote her a glowing tribute in Time Magazine and said he'd be "comfortable" with her as President?!?!?!?

- In 2006: re-elected in a landslide.

- In 2008: currently leading in the delegate county for the nomination of her party to be President.

Now I ain't saying she'll win this one but ya gotta admit, they hit her hard and she keeps going .. and going .. and going ...

Friday, February 8, 2008

The "I Love New York" Ad Campaign

Here's a wonderful, short documentary about the legendary "I Love New York" ad campaign. It really did give this city (and state) a shot of pride during some very dark times.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Yes Virginia, There Really is a Mafia

We'd love to believe that organized crime is a vestige of the Bad Old Days, something we read about in the history books or watch in documentaries.

We'd love to believe that organized crime is more entertainment than reality, which is why we enjoy shows like "The Sopranos" or movies like "Goodfellas" and "The Godfather" flicks.

And we'd love to believe that organized crime doesn't in anyway threaten or affect us, that it's just something ... over there ... something that only "those people" who we'll never meet are involved in. It will never, ever touch our lives.

Oh, how wrong we are. Organized crime still exists in NYC. It's what brought down Bernie Kerick and, today, led to a massive sweep by state and federal officials. It touches us in ways we can't imagine or rarely think about. But it's there. A constant, evil presence.

In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted

So let's never forget, however much we idealize this city here at Mr NYC, that organized crime and the other cancers that threaten our common good, are still out there. And we must always be vigilant.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Giants Superbowl parade 2008

Yesterday the citizens of our town celebrated the Giants triumphant return from the Superbowl with a ticker tape parade and we also went to the polls to vote in the Super Tuesday Presidential Primaries.

Twas a Super Day in NYC. But isn't it always?

Is Nothing Sacred?

I know real estate is New York's #1 concern and developers are looking to build anywhere and everywhere. But the Domino's Sugar Refinery? Why? Before we know it, there'll be highrises in Central Park!!

Plans for Domino Sugar Refinery Elicit Criticism

Fashion Week

This blog is not exactly glamor central but I would be remiss not to point out that this is Fashion Week in NYC - that bustling, twice yearly event that closes down Bryant Park. If you have any interest in Fashion Week, read all about it here.

Monday, February 4, 2008



Eli Manning, in a brilliant maneuver, won Superbowl 42 for the New York Giants and defeated the Dark Force that is New England.

You could hear the shouts of joy ringing across town last night. A great game.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Mesopotamians - They Might Be Giants

Review: "They Might Be Giants" at the Beacon Theater

Last night They Might Be Giants rocked out the Beacon Theater on the Upper West Side and my ears are still ringing from the musical goodness. They performed many songs off their latest album, The Else, as well as their standard favorites "Instanbul (Not Constantinople)", "Particle Man", and their usual closer "New York City." They didn't perform some of their older hits like "Minimum Wage" and "Your Racist Friend" but you can't have everything. All in all, twas a good show.

They Might Be Giants was founded by John Flansburgh and John Linnell ("the two Johns") in 1982. Although both guys are from Massachusetts, they didn't form the band until they had both moved to Brooklyn -- thus making it a wholly bred product of NYC. And as one of the guys pointed out last night, they used their MetroCards to get to the show. Very economical.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Empire State Building Lights

When you see the Empire State Building at night, blazing in its glory, you may wonder why the lights change colors every night.

Simple: the lighting schemes celebrate different holidays and events. Here at Mr NYC, we will perform a public service. Thanks to reference book New York City: City Secrets, here are the various lights that shine from the Empire State Building and what they symbolize:

Red, Black, Green: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Green: St. Patrick's Day, March of Dimes, Rainforest Awareness, Earth Day

Red, White, Blue: Presidents' Day, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day

Red: Valentine's Day, Fire Department Memorial Day, Big Apple Circus

Red, Blue: Equal Parents Day/Children's Rights

Yellow, White: Spring/Easter Week

Blue, White, Blue: Israel Independence Day, First Night of Hanukkah

Blue: Police Memorial Day, Child Abuse Prevention

Purple, White: Alzheimer's Awareness

Red, Yellow, Green: Portugal Day

Lavender and White: Stonewall Anniversary/Gay Pride

Purple, Teal, White: National Osteoporosis Society

Red, White: Pulaski Day, Red Cross

Red, White, Green: Columbus Day

Blue, White: Greek Independence Day, United Nations Day

Red, Yellow: Autumn

Black, Yellow, Red: German Reunification Day

Pink, White: "Race for the Cure"/Breast Cancer Awareness

Green, White, Orange: India Independence Day

Green, White: Pakistan Independence Day

Red, Green: Holiday Season

Dark/No Lights: "Day Without Art/Night Without Lights", AIDS Awareness

Magenta: Mr NYC Day (ok, I made that one up)

Empire State Building