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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The New York Philharmonic in North Korea

Tonight the New York Philharmonic is in North Korea, playing before an assortment of diplomats and citizens of the Hermit Kingdom (although not the "Dear Leader" himself). This is the first cultural exchange between our nation and one of the members of the "Axis of Evil." What does this visit mean for world affairs?

It's impossible to gauge. But ping-pong diplomacy gave way to Nixon going to China and who knows but maybe the New York Philharmonic in North Korea will help thaw our glacial relations with this most strange, frightening of nations. If the people of North Korea, so isolated from the rest of the world and so brainwashed with anti-American propaganda, can finally instead see Americans creating beautiful music for their enjoyment, maybe, just maybe, they'll have second thoughts about us. And perhaps, in the years to come, things will change.

The New York Philharmonic Tries to Strike the Right Notes In North Korea

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