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Monday, July 28, 2008

Is a Third Time a Charm?

Apparently Donald Trump, Ed Koch, Peter Vallone and some other city bigwigs want to overturn the law that limits city officeholders to two consecutive four year terms. New York City voters passed this term limits referendum (sponsored by failed Mayoral candidate and Estee Lauder heir Ronald Lauder in 1993) and, assuming it's not overturned, Mayor Bloomberg will have to leave office at the end of next year.

More Speculation of a Third Term for Mayor Bloomberg

I'm against term limits simply because they're undemocratic -- if a public servant is doing a good job, the people want to keep him or her, and that person wants to remain, then democracy should work its course. That said, it's probably a good idea for Bloomberg to step down in 2010. As good a Mayor as he's been, third terms have usually been disastrous in New York politics. Mayors LaGuardia, Wagner and Koch were good mayors but all had miserable third terms. Running a city like this is exhausting and after almost a decade, fresh leadership and new energy is needed. What do you think?

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