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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mr NYC: The Interviews

No one would mistake Mr NYC for "60 Minutes", and I'm no Babwa Wawa -- but in the seven-plus years of this blog's existence I've interviewed a wide variety of people.

These include fellow bloggers, comedians, sex writers, book writers, public radio hosts, even Richard Bey -- yes that Richard Bey -- himself. One of my first interviews was with Kenny Kramer, inspiration for the iconic TV character, and a New York legend.

Here's a look back at several of the interviews over the years. I think they still hold up and hopefully you'll enjoy reading them: 

Jesse Thorn

Zack Hample 2
Simone Grant
Imogene Lee
Urban Infidel
Suzannah B. Troy
Arianne Cohen

Richard Bey
Stefan Lawrence

Cheryl Harris Sharman

The Dateable Dork

Kurt Andersen
Russ Smith
Michael Musto
Rachel Kramer Bussel
Kenny Kramer
Stephanie Sellars
Zack Hample

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