Saturday, April 14, 2018

Memo from NYC

Working in the White House, working for the President of the United States, should be the greatest honor of anyone's life. Best of all, after you leave, you can write your meal ticket: you can spend the remaining years or decades cashing in as a lobbyist or a "consultant", writing your memoirs, appearing on panels, giving interviews, being a pundit. You are a desirable asset. That's one of the great things about America -- this is the land of the lucrative Has Beens. 

But if you work in the Trump White House ... your career is basically over. You are marked for life.

No one wants to hire anyone who has worked for this flaming garbage dump of a president. People leave this White House infected with what you might call Trump Cooties. Seriously, people who went to jail or did porn seem to be more employable than ex-Trumpsters! In fact, they might have been better off going to jail (which they might still do!) or doing porn (which certainly would've been more enjoyable although I don't think even pornographers want to hire ex-Trumpsters -- ask Stormy Daniels). Trump talks a lot about "draining the swamp", whatever that means, but it looks like the swamp is quite happy to drain itself of Trump people. 

 Call it revenge. Call it logic. Call it, dare I say, a victory for decency.

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