Thursday, July 25, 2019

Boris the British NYC Baby

The brand new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is an eccentric character who will either successfully take the United Kingdom out of the European Union or inflict one of the greatest catastrophes on that nation since the Second World War. 

Them's the stakes, Game of Thrones style -- he'll either "win" or "die" (politically and economically that is). 

The blond moppy-haired Johnson will be the economic equivalent of either Thomas Cromwell or Neville Chamberlain -- he'll either "deliver Brexit" with a deal from the EU or "crash out", the economic equivalent of going Cold Turkey. It'll be fascinating to see what happens.

On the great old show Yes, Minister there's a memorable quote: "Britain has had the same foreign policy for 500 years -- a disunited Europe." Mr. Johnson seems very qualified to help continue that policy.

For all his silliness, Mr. Johnson is the ultimate son of the British aristocracy and privilege which one small catch -- he was born in NYC and lived here for a long time. He has a foot in both the New and Old Worlds. Even though he was Mayor of London before becoming British PM, Johnson is very familiar with this country and city -- he could probably even navigate his way on the subway.

Talking about British leaders in NYC, you should check out this documentary that was produced in 1972 when King Edward VII -- the man who abdicated the throne in 1936 for "the woman I love" -- died.  Fast forward to about 0:16 where he talks about how, in 1919, when still the Prince of Wales, Edward visited NYC and invited then-Mayor Hyland to lunch. Shockingly, the Mayor turned the Prince down! No lunch for you! Can you imagine -- being invited to lunch by royalty and bailing?

So why did the mayor do it?

Because the mayor was an Irish immigrant and depended on Irish votes and Irishmen and women back then hated the British monarchy because Britain ruled Ireland like a colony. So he stiffed the King! Hard to imagine a New York mayor doing the same kind of thing today!


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