Wednesday, July 24, 2019

"Stay" @ 25

A lot happened back in 1994 -- both for me personally and also in the life of this city and country. So much happened, in fact, that I have a link here to Mr NYC's complete 1994 coverage. It's exhaustive! 

Memories of 1994, that gauzy time 25 years ago, seem to be forcing their way back into the public consciousness these days -- OJ Simpson is on Twitter, Quentin Tarantino has a new movie, and there may or may not be another Woodstock in August. Either way, 1994 is a year that never seems to end.

One nice memory from that time is below -- the great song "Stay" by Lisa Loeb. This song was a huge hit back in the summer of 1994, it played endlessly on the radio, people sang along to it ad nauseum, and I never got tired of it. It's just so catchy, so sweet, and has a totally original sound. It's a song of empowerment, of making the best of a bad situation, a real pick-me-up tune.

The video itself is interesting -- it's Ms. Loeb simply running around an empty NYC apartment, singing the song. That's it. The music is so good that nothing more is required. Interestingly, it was directed by the movie star Ethan Hawke. 

It's a very New York video for a very New York song -- and both are classic.

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