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Monday, January 13, 2020

Art of the Brick

Over the weekend the family went to the New York Hall of Science to see the special exhibit Art of the Brick that's there until the end of January.

I've been to many an exhibit over the decades -- paintings, sculptures, installations, videos, etc. -- but never one where the medium of the work was exclusively done in LEGOs. But a former lawyer named Nathan Sawaya did just that, creating over 100 artworks completely out of the various colored pieces. 

They really are mind-boggling and I urge everyone to go see this exhibit before it closes. Many of the artworks are three-dimensional recreations of existing artworks like "American Gothic" or "The Scream." Others are massive sculptures of dinosaurs or ghosts, bigger than life-sized standing objects that are nothing like I've ever seen before.

What's so stunning about these works is the level of detail, clear precision, and obviously careful labor that went into their creation. It's a kind of craftsmanship I've never seen before and it's enjoyable for kids and grown up a like.

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