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Monday, January 27, 2020

Gotta Love New Yorkers

If you look at today's New York Times, you'll find two very different articles about two very different New Yorkers who are, in my opinion, the quintessential examples of what makes this city great.

The first is an obituary for Nina Griscom -- someone you may not have heard of but was an "only-in-NYC" type. She was a model, a TV host, a designer, a socialite, an "It Girl" of the 1970s and 1980s. Her career was varied, as were her marriages, and she lived a full, exciting life. Sadly she died recently from ALS but reading about her, and her unconventional path, was both heartening and inspiring.

The second is someone who is very much alive -- and thriving: Bowen Yang of Saturday Night Live. He's the first Asian cast-member in the show's 45 year history and he's become a huge breakout star. He's very funny and a brilliant mimic. Also, like many New Yorkers, he's a transplant -- making the little town blues melt away and making it big here.

They couldn't have lived or thrived anywhere.

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