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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Into Eternity

As COVID-19 enveloped NYC in 2020, many of us quarantined and worked from home. It hasn't been easy, in fact, it's been totally miserable, but it's a lot better than getting sick and dying.

But for this city's essential workers, they didn't have this luxury. They had to go out and keep the city running -- and 298 paid for it with their lives.

Most of them were black and Hispanic, and most of them, surprisingly enough, worked for the Department of Education. The people trying to help our children succeed in the future were themselves denied a future. The people helping to keep NYC alive during this crises became its victims.

When wars end, it's common for memorials to be built. In NYC, I hope a huge, impressive memorial is built for all this city's essential workers who perished during COVID-19. Their names, their memories, their sacrifices for us all should be, must be remembered -- from now and into eternity. 

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