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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Path to 2021 in NYC

The New Year's Eve "ball drop" in Times Square has long been a beloved traddition in NYC. However, with literally a million-plus people crowding together in one big place, these days we would call it a "super-spreader" event -- and, this year, it will be organized very differently.

As this city has been re-adjusting to life in this new normal, the planners of the ball drop have spent months working to keep the ball drop happening -- and keep it safe. Times Square will be closed to all but a very few people and only VIPs, etc. will be allowed in and around the very modest festivities. However, there will be performances (Jennifer Lopez and Cindy Lauper among them), and the VIPs this years will a select number of frontline workers. 

Hopefully the ball drop this year will be an historic one-time only event -- and next year we'll be back to normal.

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