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Friday, August 1, 2008

Nasty People

Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi has a brilliant article about John McCain and the disgusting criminal enterprise that is today's Republican Party: Without a Prayer. Taibbi sums it up perfectly when he writes:

"The Moral Majority Christians and the supply-side neocons always represented two of the worst and most vile impulses in the American character — mass, willful ignorance and total, shameless greed. In one wing of the ruling-party mansion they housed preachers who transformed the religion of "turn the other cheek" and "go, give away all your possessions to the poor" into a "Christianity" that celebrated shock-and-awe bombing and assault-rifle ownership and decried the progressive income tax as unfair to the propertied class. In the other wing they housed "conservatives" who turned the party of limited government into a giant snooping apparatus, one that borrowed trillions against the future earnings of ordinary taxpayers and sacrificed thousands of lives to snatch a few Middle Eastern oil wells for companies that were rich as hell to begin with."

Stupidity, fear, greed -- that's today's GOP. They no have solutions to America's problems because they created so many of them. The disastrous economy, the war in Iraq, the spiraling energy and health care costs, the vast corruption in Congress, the corrupt Justice Department -- what a friggin' mess!

Naturally John McCain believes he and his party are best suited to fix the problems they created. Please ... Would you ask your drug dealer to help you through rehab? Hmmmm? .... No!

This is not to say that Democrats are holier-than-thou paragons of virtue -- HELL NO! -- but their sins pale in comparison to the vile, sleaze, and foulness of the Republicans.

More than 3/4 of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. What hell is wrong with the other almost 1/4 of Americans?

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