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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Licensed to Shtup

So you want to hook up with someone but you're afraid they might give you the clap -- or something worse. "Who knows what kind of critters might be festering within?" you wonder.

Maybe you should pass. Self-love might be safer.

But then -- hold on -- your l'object d'amour whips out a card with a phone number you can call to verify that this person has been tested and is clean. "Oh goodie!" you shout. Time to rock.

This might sound ridiculous but it's real. It was a big story in the
Daily News yesterday: American Sexpress Card: Don't jump in bed without it, founder says. It was created by a guy in Brooklyn and it's actually called the STFree card. Over 15,000 people have signed up for it. And in this town, which is a little randier than most, it's probably a good idea. Who knows, in a few years the government might require everyone to carry this card around like a driver's license.

If you think about it, after a while, having one of these will become a status symbol for guys in NYC. It will imply that they have been successful with the ladies and are "playas." Just watch.

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