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Thursday, August 7, 2008

They Really Do Check Bags in the Subway

I guess it had to happen eventually -- today, on my way home from work, a terse officer from New York's Finest asked me to show her the contents of my briefcase.

After descending into the station, the lady officer said "Open your bag for me, sir", and I placed it down on the little table. Instead of walking over two feet to where I was standing, she insisted I walk closer to her and open up. She examined all the naughty, dangerous things encased within -- a folder, date book, IPod, umbrella -- and sent me on my way.

I like to think I'm a solid, honest citizen and have nothing (well, almost nothing) to hide but, dammit, it's totally fascist that we're forced to open our bags to the cops. It DOES NOT make ANYONE safer! What terrorists or criminals does this thwart? The illusion of safety ...

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