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Monday, August 25, 2008

The Official Drink of NYC

Does anyone out there drink Snapple? Not being an iced tea man myself, I haven't really acquainted myself with the beverage but, apparently, it's the official drink of the City of New York.


In 2000, Snapple and the city government created a partnership, and Snapple sponsors the visitor's center in Times Square and they only sell Snapple (I think) in city buildings.

Also, if you buy a bottle, the bottle cap has a fun fact inside about NYC you might not know. Example: "The first person in the U.S. arrested for speeding was a NYC cab driver." Interesting.

Snapple was actually founded in Brooklyn in 1972. I always wondered why, when I was in college out of town, I didn't see anyone drink Snapple. Everyone in my high school (except me) loved the stuff but in college no one else did. Only now, only a decade later, do I come to learn that's basically a New York City drink. Boy do I feel foolish. I'm sure most of you won't disagree.

The History of Snapple


  1. I didn't realize it was such a local thing but yes everyone in my HS and college (in Hoboken) loved it.

    Remember Mystic? They were a serious threat for a while but I haven't seen it stores in ages.

  2. I vaguely remember Mystic but, not being an ice tea drinker, I wouldn't have drunk it anyway. Remember Zima?


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