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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Colossal Snoopy": 70 Years of NYC Photos

New York City, like the world itself, evolves over time. 

Year by year, street by street, building by building, it grows and changes. 

When you look at pictures of NYC over the years and decades, you see how the city  literally transforms itself, sometimes by erecting new structures or tearing down old ones, sometimes by rehabbing the old and making it new again -- and sometimes by keeping things just the way they are while everything else around it changes.

This amazing photo galleryfrom 1931 to 2000 shows the physical evolution of NYC.

Lots of stuff you'll recognize, lots of stuff you won't -- but it proves that the only thing constant in NYC is change.

P.S. Go thru it and you'll understand what "colossal Snoopy" is. 

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